Need Peace of Mind and Security?

Protecting your home and preventing robberies is a decision every homemaker wants to make. Some may have a difficult choice in deciding whether to use a Self-monitored Security System or a Company-monitored Security System. Both types of systems may contain sensors on doors and windows, silent or non-silent alarms, security cameras, and motion detectors. However, there are factors that you must be aware of when choosing the right system for your home.

Self-monitored Security System

A basic home system may contain a silent alarm that will notify the homeowner on their phone. A major disadvantage is that some of these self-monitored systems require Wi-Fi. And if there is an outage, they will not be functional. If you miss a notification on your phone, the response time will be delayed. Another point to note is that the homeowner is responsible for contacting the police if the alarm is triggered. Also, you must be careful when reporting, since false alarms are considered a waste of police time. As a homeowner, you may not always have a friend or neighbor who can check the premises when the alarm is sounded.

Company-monitored Security System

A company-monitored system has the alarm (normally a silent one) linked to and controlled by a company. The company monitors your home and notifies the police of a robbery or any other trespassers on your premises. In most cases, you will be contacted first to ensure that it was not a false alarm. Most phone lines are used for these systems, so the owners will get a notification, even during a power outage. Monitoring is done 24/7, so even though the homeowners have to remember to set the alarm, they do not have to do the monitoring themselves.

Feel free to go on vacation and rest assured that your home is properly monitored. Contact us for more information.